A fast-growing company, Anakata works with leading wind farm owners, asset managers and wind turbine manufacturers to improve their commercial performance. This commercial success includes significant projects such as:
Multiple projects with a fast-expanding client portfolio in both the EU and Asia
• Upgrade packs on a range of turbines, the oldest of which has been operating since 2016 and the biggest of which to date is on a 76m blade (4.5MW) with no parts failures
• The rollout of our Anti-Soiling & Icing Blade Conditioning Wax, designed to help prevent blade soiling or ice formation on the blade that can lead to significant turbine curtailment and poor aerodynamic performance
• Anakata on-site infrared turbine performance analysis for many of the largest wind farm owners in Europe, bringing back millimetre-detail of their blades at their wind farms and practical actions for improving blade performance.
Our work has included a significant engagement with Ventient Energy, which operates 135 onshore wind farms in six countries with 2.6 GW installed capacity. Ventient set us the challenge to see how we could increase the AEP at two of its largest wind farms in Scotland whilst operating within the design parameters of the turbines. Initially, upgrade trials were completed on four turbines over winter 2020, with turbine mounted LIDARs installed to provide high accuracy wind measurement and facilitate power performance validation of the upgrades.
Ventient’s detailed validation concluded that the upgrade packs were resulting in the capture of an additional 5% AEP. As a direct result of this impressive achievement, Ventient went on to install upgrade packs on all 61 turbines across the two wind farms - and as this is the first large deployment of Anakata’s 3D Tip Boosters, Ventient and Anakata are now leading the industry in developing solutions that deliver significant additional clean energy.
So, if you’re an organisation running a successful wind farm, want to maximise output and uplift your AEP like Ventient and other customers, or you’re a manufacturer of equipment for the wind sector and you’d like to hear more about the Anakata approach and our market leading innovation towards optimising wind turbine performance, please get in touch.
Grant to accelerate 3D SuperAero Tip Booster for offshore
Anakata have been awarded a grant from the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership to accelerate the development of our 3D SuperAero Tip Booster (3D SATIP Booster) for offshore wind turbines.
This new device is focussed on addressing the key areas of blade performance that impact the Levelised Cost of Energy for offshore wind. Firstly, we will optimise the air flow at the tip of the blade in order to maximise the delivered torque and energy production whilst not increasing unwanted thrust loads, using our patent-applied for 3D Tip Booster technology. Secondly, our 3D SATIP Booster will focus on reducing fatigue loads and increasing turbine life via novel control devices of the unsteady aerodynamics at the blade tip that currently gives rise to these loads on existing blades. Finally, we will be maintaining the performance of the turbine throughout its lifetime via next generation Leading Edge Protection technology, integrated into the 3D SATIP Booster.
This exciting project builds on Anakata’s successful development programme for onshore turbines and helps develop new solutions tailored towards the needs of offshore blades. The 3D SATIP Booster is being developed so that it can be retrofitted onto existing operational offshore turbines as well as being installed as a modular factory fit solution for new blades.
Improving the AEP performance of Vortex Entrainers
Anakata are involved in a new project aimed at optimising the design and citing of Vortex Entrainers (Vortex Generators) on wind turbine blades. This project will help advance AEP delivery and provide accurate measurements for the improvements delivered. Initial testing will be carried out in Swansea University’s wind tunnel, where a physical model of a section of the Levenmouth (LDT) offshore turbine will be installed to perform detailed flow measurements. Swansea University will use 3D computational fluid dynamics to build a numerical model of LDT, which will be validated using the flow visualisation and wind tunnel test data. The numerical model will then be used to design Vortex Entrainers for the LDT to reduce flow separation and increase AEP. Partners on the project are Natural Power, Swansea University and City, University of London, and ORE Catapult During this demonstration, the impact of the Vortex Entrainers on power performance will be measured using the turbine’s existing suite of sensors. These measurements will be compared with those obtained from the turbine prior to the installation of the Vortex Entrainers, as well as the predictions made by a numerical model.
As well as the testing and validation, ORE Catapult will carry out a flow visualisation campaign on LDT to measure the flow behaviour around the turbine blades to identify where flow separation occurs.